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2012 Leadership Summit 2012 Leadership Summit

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2012 Leadership Summit

Posted by: Admin on Sat, Feb 4, 2012

Notes from Leadership Summit held January 28, 2012

The Leadership Summit, which was held on Saturday, January 28, 2012, gathered 30 individuals from the congregation who have assumed leadership positions at Camphor for the 2012 calendar year.

The session opened with a powerful devotion led by Interim Senior Pastor Rev. Frederick Douglas who took the book of Nehemiah to illustrate the importance of working together for a common purpose and God-led vision.

Following an Opening Prayer, Rev. Brown presented a video entitled "UMC Realities" describing the state of the United Methodist denomination since its formation in 1968. The six-minute video -- which can be accessed on-line at -- provides a compelling picture of United Methodism as it relates to its status in terms of diversity, worship attendance, finances and overall spiritual health as an institution.

The video was followed by a presentation as to where Camphor "fits" into this overall environment and its prospects for growth based on our vital statistics. The gathered group provided excellent insights and recommendations for strengthening ministry in some key areas.

Following that, Ruth Harmon as Lay Leader led an interactive exercise examining the three key elements of effective leadership. Participants were divided into three groups tackling the aspects of Organizational Leadership, Relational Leadership and Spiritual Leadership.

Under "Organizational Leadership," the first group provided the following insights:

* Leaders of our ministries should understand the goals for which they're responsible and how they relate to the other ministries of the church. 

* It's important to communicate well with the other ministries and throughout the church.

* Training is key. If you don't know your area of responsibility, ask!

* Know where your talent lies.

* If you run into problems, identify them early and nip them in the bud.

* Agree to disagree without being disagreeable.

* Leaders aren't perfect...surround them with support.

Under "Relational Leadership," the second group offered the following observations:

* Leaders should have a Christ-like attitude.

* Be aware of your people and how they interact.

* Have humility, honesty and integrity.

* Check your ego...great things can be accomplished if it doesn't matter who gets the credit.

* To lead, you must possess a forgiving spirit and not be judgmental.

* You can't lead others unless you're willing to be led.

Under "Spiritual Leadership," the third group presented this perspective:

* Demonstrating a Worshipful spirit is most important -- inside and outside the "church" setting

* Leadership should participate in prayer and Bible study -- study to learn and share; prayer to discern God's vision for your leadership and to demonstrate God's power in your life.

* Financial stewardship is most challenging -- some don't have "it" to give; others who can give they can "participate" by simply writing a check then detach from everything else.

* Worship enables participation and engagement.

* Fellowship helps to familiarize and re-connect us one to the other. It spreads ministry and active participation in the life of the church.

The day concluded with a presentation by the Finance Ministry on budgeting and proper procurement processes.

   Discussion: 2012 Leadership Summit

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